
Annual Northeast PREP Symposium

The Annual Northeast Regional PREP Symposium brings together PREP scholars, faculty and staff from Einstein, Mount Sinai, Cold Spring Harbor, the University of Pennsylvania, and Weill Cornell Medicine for a two-day research and professional development conference. There PREP scholars present their research to their peers and regional prep faculty, engage in critical networking and community building, all of which advance science identity. The 2024 Regional Prep Symposium will take place at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai on May 6 and 7, 2024.

ASPiRE Symposium

Details coming soon. 

Pediatrics Weill Cornell Medicine Appointments & Referrals: (646) 962-KIDS (646) 962-5437 Chair's Office: Weill Cornell Medicine 525 E 68th St.
Box 225
New York, NY 10065 (646) 962-5437